Our Vision

Our vision is to create a movement where people from all walks of life 

come together to strive for progress, embracing imperfections

as stepping stones to success.

Our vision is to create a movement where people from all walks of life come together to strive for progress, embracing imperfections as stepping stones to success.

Every step forward, no matter how small, leads to a better version of yourself and the world.

Every step forward, no matter how small, leads to a better version of yourself and the world.

Every step forward, no matter how small, leads to a better version of yourself and the world.

A community of likeminded people that “Give an F”. We believe that every step forward, no matter how small, leads to a better version of yourself and the world.

A community of likeminded people that “Give an F”. We believe that every step forward, no matter how small, leads to a better version of yourself and the world.

A community of likeminded people that “Give an F”. We believe that every step forward, no matter how small, leads to a better version of yourself and the world.



Feiyue’s “Give an F” influencers are more than just leaders – they’re compassionate catalysts on a mission to inspire people from all walks of life.


Our dedication lies in crafting footwear that leaves a positive environmental footprint on the planet. This commitment drives us to meticulously explore an array of materials.




Feiyue’s “Give an F” influencers are more than just leaders – they’re compassionate catalysts on a mission to inspire people from all walks of life.
Our dedication lies in crafting footwear that leaves a positive environmental footprint on the planet. This commitment drives us to meticulously explore an array of materials.


Feiyue’s “Give an F” influencers are more than just leaders – they’re compassionate catalysts 

on a mission to inspire people from all walks of life. Whether you’re a seasoned wellness enthusiast 

or just embarking on your transformative journey, this program welcomes you with open arms.

Feiyue’s “Give an F” influencers are more than just leaders – they’re compassionate catalysts on a mission to inspire people from all walks of life. Whether you’re a seasoned wellness enthusiast or just embarking on your transformative journey, this program welcomes you with open arms.
  • "I love the way Wushu and Taichi bring my mind, body and spirit in harmony as I move. And I love to see others find passion in learning with me."

    Allen Peng

    Martial Artist

  • "I give an f about inspiration. My goal is to inspire the ones who may not have found inspiration otherwise."

    James Bast

    Performance Coach

  • "Taking care of your body and being proactive with your health is much better than trying to fix a problem."

    Maggie Gao

    Personal Trainer

    Kettlebell Certified Coach

  • "Over time, just seeing how I do in every session and loving what I am doing, it's helped me find myself and it's motivated me to be a better athlete, coach and person overall."

    Derrick Williams

    Personal Trainer

  • "Health and Lifestyle is important to my overall well being and mental happiness. Living a healthy lifestyle makes me feel 100% everyday."

    Konnor Truman

    Fashion Stylist

  • "I turned my passion into business with name “LYNAY” which stands for Love Your Neighbor As Yourself - where we focus on healthy living, nutrition, fitness and community."

    Martin Harcar

    Fitness Coach

  • " I am enchanted with the natural medicine that Pilates provides to the body, mind and spirit. My pilates practice has been fundamental to heal from injuries, surgeries and set backs in life."


    Sara Ortlip

    Pilates Instructor

  • "I love the way Wushu and Taichi bring my mind, body and spirit in harmony as I move. And I love to see others find passion in learning with me."

    Allen Peng

    Martial Artist

  • "I give an f about inspiration. My goal is to inspire the ones who may not have found inspiration otherwise."

    James Bast

    Performance Coach

  • "Taking care of your body and being proactive with your health is much better than trying to fix a problem."

    Maggie Gao

    Personal Trainer

    Kettlebell Certified Coach

  • "Over time, just seeing how I do in every session and loving what I am doing, it's helped me find myself and it's motivated me to be a better athlete, coach and person overall."

    Derrick Williams

    Personal Trainer

  • "Health and Lifestyle is important to my overall well being and mental happiness. Living a healthy lifestyle makes me feel 100% everyday."

    Konnor Truman

    Fashion Stylist

  • "I turned my passion into business with name “LYNAY” which stands for Love Your Neighbor As Yourself - where we focus on healthy living, nutrition, fitness and community."

    Martin Harcar

    Fitness Coach

  • " I am enchanted with the natural medicine that Pilates provides to the body, mind and spirit. My pilates practice has been fundamental to heal from injuries, surgeries and set backs in life."


    Sara Ortlip

    Pilates Instructor



Join the movement and show us how you GIVE AN F in your daily grind! 

Hitting the gym, conquering challenges, or embracing every moment.

We want to see how Feiyue empowers you. Tag us in your posts and 

use #FeiyueGiveAnF for a chance to be featured.



Join the movement and show us how you GIVE AN F in your daily grind! Hitting the gym, conquering challenges, or embracing every moment.

We want to see how Feiyue empowers you. Tag us in your post and use #FeiyueGiveAnF for a chance to be featured.





Our vision is to create a movement where people from all walks of life come together to strive for progress, embracing imperfections as stepping stones to success.
Our dedication lies in crafting footwear that leaves a positive environmental footprint on the planet. This commitment drives us to meticulously explore an array of materials.


Our vision is to create a movement where people from all walks of life come together to strive for progress, embracing imperfections as stepping stones to success.


Our dedication lies in crafting footwear that leaves a positive environmental footprint on the planet. This commitment drives us to meticulously explore an array of materials.


We're committed to building an ethical supply chain dedicated to crafting 

high-quality, low-impact, and enduring products. We collaborate closely with our production partners 

to minimize waste, chemicals, and plastics that pose threats to both humanity and our planet's ecosystems. 

Our timeless shoes are designed for longevity, ensuring that making an eco-conscious choice 

can be as effortless as tying your shoelaces.

We're committed to building an ethical supply chain dedicated to crafting high-quality, low-impact, and enduring products. We collaborate closely with our production partners to minimize waste, chemicals, and plastics that pose threats to both humanity and our planet's ecosystems. Our timeless shoes are designed for longevity, ensuring that making an eco-conscious choice can be as effortless as tying your shoelaces.
These range from time-honored natural elements with ​a legacy spanning millennia to groundbreaking, inventive substances that contribute favorably to our global surroundings.​
These range from time-honored natural elements with ​a legacy spanning millennia to groundbreaking, inventive substances that contribute favorably to our global surroundings.​
These range from time-honored natural elements with ​a legacy spanning millennia to groundbreaking, inventive substances that contribute favorably to our global surroundings.​
F branding that identifies the "Give an F" program to represent the brand’s attitude to encourage a lifestyle that is holistically and continually improving. The green accents speak of Feiyue’s aim for improvement.
F branding that identifies the "Give an F" program to represent the brand’s attitude to encourage a lifestyle that is holistically and continually improving. The green accents speak of Feiyue’s aim for improvement.
F branding that identifies the "Give an F" program to represent the brand’s attitude to encourage a lifestyle that is holistically and continually improving. The green accents speak of Feiyue’s aim for improvement.




Our vision is to create a movement where people from all walks of life come together to strive for progress, embracing imperfections as stepping stones to success.
Feiyue’s “Give an F” influencers are more than just leaders – they’re compassionate catalysts on a mission to inspire people from all walks of life.



Our vision is to create a movement where people from all walks of life come together to strive for progress, embracing imperfections as stepping stones to success.


Feiyue’s “Give an F” influencers are more than just leaders – they’re compassionate catalysts on a mission to inspire people from all walks of life.
New releases


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